RJBM: Volume 1 Issue 4

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Model selection considering scales in social sciences: an application on entrepreneurship tendency Ismail Hakki Armutlulu, Gulgonul Bozoglu Bati
The effect of ambition, internal locus of control and innovativeness on self-perceived employability Meryem Aybas, Merve Kirbaslar
A study about comparison of family firms perception in Turkish and Spanish business administration students Fatma Zehra Savi , Canan Yildiran
Impact of family friendly organizations and social policies on women’s employment: a conceptual study for Turkey Aslı Kucukaslan Ekmekci, Ahmet Doganay, Zeynep Kabadayı Kuscu
The relationship between humor in the work and organizational commitment Orhan Adiguzel, Adeviye Erdogan, Sercan Edinsel
The effect of workplace romance of organizational socialization and the brokerage role of organizational commitment Hale Alan, Adeviye Erdogan
An analysis of globe’s organization culture on work ethics : a case study Syed Reza Jalili, Ahmad Sharbatoghile, Alireza Miremadi
The importance of empowerement in the organizations to reach goals within agency theory Suudan Gokce Gok, Aykut Beduk
The role of universities in local economic development: a case of tra2 region in Turkey Haktan Sevinc
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