RJBM: Volume 8 Issue 4

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Contemporary limıtations and chances for the development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship in Serbia Ljiljana Stosic Mihajlovic, Svetlana Trajkovic
The impact of business program accreditation on ranking and enrollment for HBCU schools Zachary B. Williams
The use of mobile application acceptance model in mobile banking Esra Gursel, Mustafa Yanartas
The effect of Covid-19 pandemic on training and development activities and performance management systems in central banks Dogan Basar
Professional backgrounds of academics in the civil aviation departments in TurkeySerdar Kizilcan, Kagan Cenk Mizrak
The impact of employees’ crypto asset market tracking desire on cyberloafing Inan Kaynak
The impact of knowledge process capabilities on innovation performance: an empirical research on R&D centers Esin Yesildal, Rifat Kamasak
PressAcademia publishes high quality, high impact, blind peer-reviewed and open access journals, proceedings, books and case studies, and organizes international conferences.