RJBM: Volume 6 Issue 1

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Does organizational justice increase or decrease organizational dissent? Mehtap Ozsahin, Senay Yurur
An empirical examination of the mediating roles of communication and ethical climate Ali Yagmur, Meral Elci
Person owner fit in micro, small and medium companies P. Edi Sumantri, Christantius Dwiatmadja, Ade Banani
Job stressors and job performance: Modeling of moderating mediation effects of stress mindset Hsiao-Ling Chen, Shih-Chieh Fang
Does patent contribute to stock price in China? Tsui-Min Chen, Chiu-Chi Wei, Hui-Chung Che
Is bitcoin becoming an alternative investment option for Turkey? A comparative econometric investigation of the interaction between crypto currencies Mustafa Ozyesil
Impact of eight dimensions on the business of specialty coffee shops Chiu-Chi Wei, Chin-Hsin Chiu, Suz-Tsung Wei, Chiou-Shuei Wei
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