RJBM: Volume 4 Issue 2

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Networks symbiosis capability as mediator between strategic alliance and business performance: empirical study on ikat industry in Bali and Aast Nusa TenggaraMaklon Felipus Killa, Norlina R. J. Kalunga, Umbu Ho Ara
The impact of increasing team size on project productivityYueh-Yuan Lai , Chiu-Chi Wei, Chiou-Shuei Wei
A research on values possessed by university studentsErkan Taskiran, Canan Cetin, Tulay Demiralay, Baki Aksu, Mehmet Emin Okur Burcak Vatansever, H. Necla Keles
A novel business model frame for innovative startupsDante Jorge Dorantes Gonzales
The role of design in competitive strategies of Turkish ceramic sanitary ware industryMerve Yavuz, Serkan Gunes
Examination of the evolutionary development of the concept of social innovation by the science mapping methodTayfun Yildiz, Zafer Aykanat
Knowledge of cuisine: intellectual property protection in the Turkish food sectorBasak Bak
A picture of women’s entrepreneurship: a field study on motivation factors, regional differences and value perceptionsSevgi Kesim Guven, Tamer Atabarut, Aylin Lole
The emergence of the new technologies in education in Algeria: case study on engineering softwareBoualem El Kechebur
Investigation of crowdsourcing concept by open innovation perspective: application examplesYeter Demir Uslu, Yasemin Hancioglu
Exploring competitive gaps to create a “Turkish” local search engineTaskin Dirsehan, Meltem Ulutan, Alperen Karabacak
Investigation of the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment: Istanbul commerce universityEda Turkkan, Murat Yalcintas
A research on the technological innovation tendencies of the students of Firat universityYusuf Cemalettin Copuroglu, Ozge Ozturk
Types of information technology capability and their impacts on competitivenessIsmail Bakan, Zumrut Hatice Sekkeli
Definition and implementation of procedures for IT assets managingJaumin Ajdari, Ahmed Abdullai, Xhemal Zenuni, Bujar Raufi, Florie Ismaili
Relationship between school administrators' competence beliefs on innovation management and their leadership behaviorsHanifi Parlar
The position and importance of the behavioral finance to solve the financial problems of SMEsMustafa Yurttadur, Ebru Celiktas
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