RJBM: Volume 2 Issue 4

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Service quality assessment in selected branches of social security organization using servqual model Fereshteh Shirkavand, Seyed Mahdi Hossein, Parisa Mokhtarihesar
The effect of quality orientation and learning orientation on firm performance Gülhan Kalmuk, A.Zafer Acar
Impact of talent management on perceived organizational effectiveness: service industry in Lahore, Pakistan Nizamettin Bayyurt, Salman Rizvii
Business departments of state universities in Turkey: last five years, current situation and forecasting for their future Onder Ziya Paylar, Murat Oturakci
Relationship between organizational identification and whistleblowing Hatice Necla Keles, Tugba Kiral Ozkan
Effects of perceptions of corporate social responsibility on employer attractiveness Iris Ersoy, Zeynep Aksehirli
Toxicity behaviors in organizations: study of reliability and validity of toxic emotional experiences scale Meral Bektas, Pinar Erkal
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