RJBM: Volume 10 Issue 1

Research Journal of Business and Management (RJBM) is a peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. RJBM invites manuscripts in all related areas of business and management.

Title & Author(s)


Evaluation of non-type rated pilot selection criteria in the civil aviation industry with AHP and TOPSIS methods Filiz Mizrak
Big data and transparency: the mediation effect of professional judgment Nader Salehi
Reward system and job satisfaction among employees in the hotel industry in the Sultanate of Oman Raja Tumati, Moayad Dawood Al Yousfi
Green ticketing: a beneficial framework for air carriers Olcay Olcen
PressAcademia publishes high quality, high impact, blind peer-reviewed and open access journals, proceedings, books and case studies, and organizes international conferences.