Publication Policy

  • All PressAcademia publications are open-access and aim to provide a source for academic researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the areas of business, management, economics, finance and accounting.
  • All PressAcademia publications subject to double-blind peer reviewing process to avoid any discrimination and conflict of interest.
  • PressAcademia applies the standards of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • Only original studies are considered for publication. Plagiarism, duplicate, data fabrication and redundant publications are forbidden.
  • The manuscripts are subject to plagiarism check by iThenticate or similar. All manuscript submissions must provide a similarity report (up to 15% excluding quotes, bibliography, abstract and method).
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  • The referee process generally takes 4-6 weeks after submission.
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  • The expected duties for editors, authors and reviewers are explained below.

Editor’s Responsibilities

  • Editor should maintain the confidentiality of all information regarding the submitted manuscript and the author(s).
  • Editor should avoid discrimination and ensure that the evaluation of the manuscript is accomplished objectively.
  • The editor behaves ethically by not using unpublished materials for own research without written consent of the author(s).
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Author’s Responsibilities

  • The author must be aware that plagiarism in all forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. The further researches of the authors that are realized to make plagiarism will be rejected by the editor.
  • The authors must ensure that the research and all materials used in the manuscript are original.
  • The authors should submit only their original work and make sure that they used full and correct citations for any already reported material.
  • The author should avoid to submit the same manuscript to different journals concurrently.
  • The manuscripts should include sufficient details and references for replication purposes.
  • The corresponding author should ensure that there is a full consensus of all co-authors in the final version and submission.

Reviewer’s Responsibilities

  • The manuscripts received by the reviewers should be treated in confidentially.
  • The reviewer should support the editor in making a decision about publication status of a manuscript.
  • If a selected reviewer feels unqualified to assess the paper, he or she should clearly inform the editor and ask for excuse.
  • The reviewer should never use unpublished material on own advantage.

Manuscript Review Process

  • All submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor.
  • If the manuscript is judged suitable for the scope of the journal, it is then sent for a double blind peer-review.
  • The reviewers are allowed to respond within 15 days.
  • Based upon the evaluations of the reviewers, the editor then declares whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected or accepted for revision in 10 days.
  • If reviewers demand, the authors are responsible to complete all required adjustments / additions / corrections by remarking the adjustments in 10 days.
  • If reviewers find the revisions sufficient, the manuscript is accepted for publication and authors are informed for the acceptance of manuscript.
  • If reviewers do not find the revisions sufficient for publication, the manuscript is rejected and authors are informed for the rejection about the review process.

PressAcademia publishes high quality, high impact, blind peer-reviewed and open access journals, proceedings, books and case studies, and organizes international conferences.