JMML: Volume 8 Issue 4

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JMML invites all manuscripts in the areas of business, management, marketing, logistics and trade.

Title & Author(s)


The importance of efficiency of the supply process for retail companies: case study Lucian Gabriel Maxim
Team perception and learning orientation as the predictors of r&d performance Coskun Cebeci, Rifat Kamasak, Tugce Ezgi Soyaltin
Big data analytics: direction and impact on financial technology Arun Khatri, NP Singh, Nakul Gupta
PressAcademia publishes high quality, high impact, blind peer-reviewed and open access journals, proceedings, books and case studies, and organizes international conferences.