JMML: Volume 5 Issue 2

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JMML invites all manuscripts in the areas of business, management, marketing, logistics and trade.

Title & Author(s)


Turkey’s entrepreneur weapons: the driving forces behind Anatolian tigers Senay Oguztimur
Online shoppers: effects of inertia and satisfaction on online shopping loyalty Cansu Gokmen Koksal
Consumer-brand relationships under the effect of consumer dishonest behavior Didem Gamze Isiksal, Elif Karaosmanoglu
In order to increase innovative organization in Turkey, the concept of innovation through training systems and solutions an overview Senem Altan
Factors affecting shopping cart abandonment: pre-decisional conflict as a mediator Melek Erdil
A quasi-experimental study on flexible work arrangement Melissa Hosboyar, Nurcan Ensari, Patricia Denise Lopez
PressAcademia publishes high quality, high impact, blind peer-reviewed and open access journals, proceedings, books and case studies, and organizes international conferences.