JMML: Volume 5 Issue 1

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JMML invites all manuscripts in the areas of business, management, marketing, logistics and trade.

Title & Author(s)


Supply chain performance: measuring the impact of supply chain orientation and brand equity Ebru Surucu, Gul Denktas Sakar
The impact of supply chain integration on firms’ business and operational performance at the food retail sector/industry Martin Boakye Osei, Celal Hakan Kagncioglu
Advertising message and negative switching barrier: effects on repurchase intention and word-of-mouth Yilmaz Yaman
Evaluation of the intention of using products with internet of things within the context of technology acceptance model Ece Pazvant, Emel Faiz
A hierarchical approach for defining and classifying constructs in management and marketing research: examples from the field of dysfunctional behavior Mehmet Okan, A. Banu Elmadag
Investigation of the mediator effect of strategic management in the relationship between ethics leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave Himmet Karadal, Zafer Adiguzel, Melike Artar
An investigation on airline customers’ level of loyalty and trust in relation to demographics, use of airlines and ticket-purchasing habits Tanyeri Uslu, Bulent Sezen, Ibrahim Sarper Karakadilar
The influence of city image on the university selections of students studying in the department of marketing Ahmet Uyar
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