JMML: Volume 3 Issue 1

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JMML invites all manuscripts in the areas of business, management, marketing, logistics and trade.

Title & Author(s)


An assessment of the importance of qualified human resources on brand image and on international competitiveness of Istanbul financial center with latest rankings and surveys Cuneyt Dirican
Effect of consumer ethnocentrism on perceived service quality and examination of this context by cultural relativity and demographic factors: an empirical study Husniye Ors, Veysel Yilmaz, Murat Dogan
A confirmatory factor analysis of the source model for celebrity endorsement M. Mujiya Ulkhaq, Andini R. Nurdianti, Maya Kartika, Vashanadia Astharina
Reflections of qualified personnel turnover to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey: a phenomenological research Mustafa Demirkiran, Ramazan Erdem, Serap Taskaya
Increasing the tourism destination competitiveness of Thracian region: suggestions for developing and promoting Buyukcekmece and Igneada Bilge Karamehmet, Gokhan Aydin
The dimensions of consumers’ shopaholic behaviors and scale development Yeliz Bas
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