JEFA: Volume 8 Issue 1

Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting (JEFA) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JEFA invites all manuscripts in the areas of economics, finance and accounting.

Title & Author(s)


Economic growth, inflation and capital market performance: is there a link in Jordan? Mohammad Khataybeh, Ghassan Omet
International competitiveness analysis of the molding industry: an important component of Turkish industry in the transitıon from innovation to manufacturing Kaya Tokmakcioglu, Oguzhan Ozcelebi
Using artificial neural networks in financial failure prediction: an application in Borsa Istanbul Mehmet Nuri Salur
The impact of export, import, and renewable energy consumption on Turkey’s ecological footprint Betul Altay Topcu
Board gender: shrinkage or upsurge in wealth of shareholders Aishat Salawudeen, Muhammad Aminu Isa
Analysis of financial markets with the DEMATEL method Hakan Altın
A diagnostic for earnings management using changes in asset turnover and profit margin: evidence from palestine exchange Israa Al-Madhoun, Hisham Kamel Madi, Mohammed Marwan Alashi
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