JEFA: Volume 3 Issue 2

Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting (JEFA) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JEFA invites all manuscripts in the areas of economics, finance and accounting.

Title & Author(s)


The Jordanian Stock Exchange: can it deliver what is expected? Ghassan Omet
Firm level determinants of foreign portfolio investments in Turkey: a dynamic panel regression analysis approach Yilmaz Yildiz, Mehmet Baha Karan
The economic activities of women in Ottoman Empire Nurullah Karta
Corporate governance, foreign ownership and stock price synchronicity: evidence from Borsa Istanbul Oktay Tas, Selin Duz Tan
Analyzing impact of non-residents' holdings of equities on BIST (Istanbul Stock Exchange) 100 index Ahmet Kesik, Mehmet Canakci, Halil Tunali
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