JEFA: Volume 2 Issue 2

Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting (JEFA) is a double peer-reviewed, academic, quarterly and publicly available open-access journal. JEFA invites all manuscripts in the areas of economics, finance and accounting.

Title & Author(s)


A study for the interaction between risk premiums and stock exchange in developing countries Sedat Yenice, Adalet Hazar
Relevancy of accounting information under IFRS at Borsa Istanbul (BIST) for manufacturing firms Mohammed Alashi, Tuba Dumlu
R&D expenditures and earnings targets: evidence from France Rihab Guidara, Younes Boujelbene
Accounting for purchased software based on Turkish accounting standards Recep Yilmaz, Ilker Calayoglu
Unraveling risk and return in Islamic banking: does the perceived high return exist? Abrar Fitwi, Laura Elder
Accounting of long-term constraction contracts based on Turkish accounting standarts (TAS 11) Tunay Aslan
On the bid-spread in the Jordanian banking sector: what are the implications? Ghassan Omet, Bashar Abu Khalaf, Hadeel Yaseen
Corporate sustainability reporting and situation in Turkey Saime Once, Ahmet Onay, Gul Yesilcelebi
The relationship between foreign direct investments and economic growth in Turkish economy: an empirical analysis for the period of 1998 – 2014 Mustafa Gerceker
The impact of equity index futures trading on the underlying index volatility: evidence for the ISE-30 stock index futures contracts Hakan Er, Muhammad Wissam Al-Masri, Kokou Adalessossi
The effects of phthalate restrictions on Turkey’s footwear imports Omer Tarik Gencosmanoglu
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