JBEF: Volume 8 Issue 2

Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly and publicaly available journal. The journal aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers and researchers working in the area of business, economics and finance. The Editor of JBEF invites all manuscripts that include theoretical and/or implementive research on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal.

Title & Author(s)


Measuring the effects of marketing expenses and external factors on housing sales transaction Mehmet Emre Camlibel, Ali Hepsen, Olgun Aydin
The implementation of corporate social responsibility in Indonesian banking industry? Lindiawat
The impact of managerial stock option on firm risk taking: evidence from China Ratny Seng, Kimly Heng, Gao-Liang Tian, Mohammad Arshad Arif, Hua Feng
Export determinant analysis: Indonesia’s export to Singapore and Japan case study Euis Eti Sumiyat
Dynamics of knowledge in the economic system framework: Cognitive approach Aleria Irma Hatneny, Ety Saraswati, Ratna Tri Hardaningtyas
The effect of manufacturing value added on economic growth: empirical evidence from Europe Mohammad Karami, Naser Elahinia, Shekoufeh Karami

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