JBEF: Volume 7 Issue 2

Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly and publicaly available journal. The journal aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers and researchers working in the area of business, economics and finance. The Editor of JBEF invites all manuscripts that include theoretical and/or implementive research on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal.

Title & Author(s)


Analyzing asset of bubbles in the housing market with right-tailed unit root tests: the case of Turkey Aslı Afsar, Emrah Dogan
Was the Dollar Tree – Family Dollar merger synergic?: financial statements analysis Khamis M. Bilbeisi, C. R. Narayanaswamy, Chau Dinh
Moderator effect of RDI on firm finance performance: Taiwan textile industry Tsung-Chun Chen, Hsiao-Min Chen, Shiann-Ming Wu, Xiao-Xuan Chen
Determining levels of customer loyalty towards commercial banks and participatory banks H. Huseyin Yildirim, M. Emin Akkilic, M. Selim Dikici
Estimation of economic growth using Grey Cobb-Douglas production function: an application for US economy Omer Onalan, Hulya Basegmez
Value of financial ratios in predicting stock returns: a study on Borsa Istanbul (BIST) Ensar Agirman, Omer Yilmaz

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