JBEF: Volume 3 Issue 4

Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly and publicaly available journal. The journal aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers and researchers working in the area of business, economics and finance. The Editor of JBEF invites all manuscripts that include theoretical and/or implementive research on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal.

Title & Author(s)


Remittances As a Determinant of Financial Sector Development Peter Nderitu Githaiga, Charles Githinji Kabiru
The Economic Growth Effects of the Euromed Fta Gulcin Guresci Pehlivan
Effects of Deposit Insurance System on Banks’ Risk Taking Incentives in Turkey Gamze Gocmen Yagcilar
The myRA Program: Will Americans Save? Sara E. Bennett, Joseph M. Prinzinger
Current Developments and Trends in Higher Education Oya Tamtekin Aydin

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