JBEF: Volume 3 Issue 3

Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly and publicaly available journal. The journal aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers and researchers working in the area of business, economics and finance. The Editor of JBEF invites all manuscripts that include theoretical and/or implementive research on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal.

Title & Author(s)


Educated Professionals on Boards at Borsa Istanbul Emrah Arioglu
Applying Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Service Quality of Private Shopping Website Quality: A Case Study in Turkey Kemal Vatansever, Yakup Akgul
Work-Family, Family Work Conflict and Turnover Intentions Among the Representatives of Insurance Agencies Turhan Erkmen, Emel Esen
Determination of the Factors That Affect House Prices in Turkey by Using Hedonic Pricing Model Aslı Kaya, Murat Atan
Research and Development Intensity and Audit Fees Zenghui Liu, Bo Ouyang
Exchange Rate And Bilateral Trade Balance Of Turkey With EU (15) Countries Mehmet Yazici, M. Qamarul Islam
Effect of Globalization on Nigeria Stock Exchange and Capital Market Liberation on Economic Growth (1981 – 2011) Gerald C. Nwadike, Simon Uguru Nwibo
Capital Distributions in the Banking Industry Monica Banyi, Susan Porter, Susan Williams

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