On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate to the 10th Istanbul Finance Congress (IFC-2021), which is organized jointly by Istanbul Commerce University on November 4-5, 2021 The Congress will be online this year. The Congress brings together many distinguished researchers, academics and professionals from all over the world. Participants find an opportunity to present new researches, exchange of information, and discuss current issues. Papers in the related areas of finance, banking, economics, statistics, econometrics, auditing, accounting, business law, management information systems, business analytics, risk management, etc are welcome. A double blind refree report will be asked from 2 reviewers. The accepted papers will be announced well before the congress dates. The Congress manuscripts will be published in PressAcademia Procedia. The participants are also welcome to submit extended papers to PressAcademia journals.
For your submissions and questions please contact to [email protected]
Before your submissions please check: Abstract template and/or full paper template
Please also see Abstract sample and Full paper sample
Please view Certificate of Participation